Integrity & Safeguarding

War Child works to uphold the fundamental rights of children and youth worldwide who live with the effects of violence and armed conflict. Our programmes support children and youth to fully claim these rights - and ensure that the important adults in their lives meet their obligations in full.

Integrity and justice are central to all War Child activities - including our duty to uphold the safety and dignity of our staff and the children who take part in our programmes. This commitment is made manifest in our Integrity & Safeguarding Framework - a set of four robust policies that outline in full our obligations to all of our stakeholders.

Integrity is of paramount importance to our organisation. Incidents may occur in the course of our operations that breach these obligations. If you suspect or are aware of a potential breach or an incident of malpractice, we strongly encourage you to report any concerns here.

The link below directly takes you to our Integrity & Safeguarding Platform and is totally anonymous and secured.

Our Integrity & Safeguarding Framework

The four policies that make up our Integrity & Safeguarding Framework are designed to uphold the safety and fundamental rights of everyone who takes part in War Child’s activities around the world. The Integrity Framework as a whole provides policies to ensure that War Child operates to the highest ethical standards.

The five policies are available to download below:

Our Code of Conduct and new Speak Up! Procedure were developed with input from both international child rights organisations and international sector benchmarks. Our Global Safeguarding Policy adheres to the international standards issued by global child rights watchdog Keeping Children Safe (KCS).

Reporting Misconduct

Our Integrity & Safeguarding Framework is in place to ensure all War Child stakeholders meet the highest standards of ethical behaviour - particularly with regard to sexual exploitation and abuse. Yet in the course of our operations incidents may occur that fall short of these standards - which is why we have a Speak Up! Procedure in place.

The Speak Up! Procedure ensures that anyone who witnesses, hears of or suspects misconduct has taken place can file a report in confidence and safety. The policy ensures that anyone is able to raise a concern about observed or suspected misconduct of War Child representatives or any failure of the organisation in general.

Reports can be filed through this channel completely anonymously. War Child makes use of an independent external service provider (CaseIQ) for this purpose. Reports can be filed in your own language (24/7 and 365 days a year):

With regard to concerns related to your donation or to fundraisers in the Netherlands, please refer to the appropriate contact form on our website.