Children Are Extremely Resilient - But They Need the Chance to Process Their Experiences

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Designed for scale-up

Programme Director
“Robust interventions to meet the psychosocial needs of conflict-affected children are urgently required. TeamUp meets this need by drawing on academic evidence and lessons learned.”

Birgit van Delft, TeamUp Programme Director

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As the war in Ukraine continues, thousands of children are sheltering in neighbouring countries. TeamUp is training local volunteers and partner organisations to use the method in schools and safe spaces. Download this for more information.


Invisible Wounds

  • The impact of war and flight goes far beyond physical wounds
  • Children experience fear, stress, anger, anxiety and other intense emotions
  • This can pose a significant threat to their healthy development and wellbeing
South Sudan



Play and movement

During weekly TeamUp sessions, children (aged 6-18) take part in structured play and movement-based activities led by trained facilitators. Each activity has a specific goal related to a theme such as dealing with anger or stress and interacting with peers.

We communicate through play and movement, rather than verbal cues, so that all children can participate even if they don't share a common language.


Theory of Change

The TeamUp method has been monitored and evaluated since its inception. Lessons learned from implementation - together with a literature review - contributed to the creation of a robust Theory of Change which defines the anticipated outcomes for children taking part. Further research will examine to what extent these outcomes have been realised.

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A Theory of Change is a comprehensive description of how and why a desired change is expected to play out in a specific context. Don't forget to download the TeamUp Theory of Change here.


Improved wellbeing

Several evaluations of TeamUp in the Netherlands - including this one - have revealed its positive impact on children's wellbeing.

In 2021, we conducted a major study across four schools in Uganda's Bidibidi Refugee Settlement. Findings showed significant improvements in children's traumatic stress symptoms, attitude towards school, social connectedness and more.

Read the full paper.


COVID-19 Response

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At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team developed a streamlined ‘TeamUp at Home’ activity book - a collection of movement exercises for children to take part in at home with their siblings. The collection of exercises - available in 17 languages - is designed to uphold the wellbeing of children living in lockdown. Download here


Our Partners

TeamUp was launched as a coalition by War Child, Save the Children and UNICEF Netherlands. Major names such as SOS Children’s Villages, Plan International and ZOA Uganda have since joined as partners to roll out the programme internationally.

We've also integrated TeamUp within several international consortiums including Joining Forces for Africa and EPSUM.





TeamUp is currently active in 23 countries including:

The programme is currently being rolled out in countries including Germany, Iraq and Mozambique. A scaling strategy is in place with the ambition to reach one million children by 2025.

Current Research


Building on the findings of the Uganda study, we are currently in the midst of a randomised controlled trial with 2100 children in Burundi. The study aims to determine the long-term effectiveness of TeamUp among other objectives.

Next steps


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TeamUp is well on its way to becoming a truly evidence-based intervention. In the coming months, research will be undertaken to fuel the global scale up of the method - including plans to conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial.

drag to move

Inside our Expertise Hub

Birgit van Delft is (interim) Programme Director of TeamUp. Since 2015 she has been one of the co-developers of the TeamUp intervention, firstly for the Netherlands and later supported coordination of TeamUp scaling globally.