Why a single page could support millions in need

Our latest innovation is inexpensive and simple - yet has the potential to address the mental health needs of millions of children. Watch the video and learn more about our Community Case Detection Tool.

No access to mental healthcare

Millions of children living with mental health problems - brought about by exposure to violence and armed conflict - currently receive no treatment for their condition. They can’t access potentially life-saving mental healthcare services - which means innovative and low-cost solutions are urgently required.

We have worked to address these needs with the development of a new innovation - the Community Case Detection Tool. The tool could provide a low-cost solution to the mental healthcare needs of millions of children worldwide - and it’s all based on a chart on a single page.

An illustrated narrative

The page contains an illustrated narrative about a child experiencing mental distress. Each narrative is based on specific cultural idioms of distress to allow for a simple diagnosis - and can be adapted to the specific context in which it is used. This simple, innovative format is inexpensive - and allows for wide scale distribution.

Warch video

The Community Case Detection Tool

Simple and low-cost

Trusted community members can be trained to use the tool to identify children in need of support. No professional health background is required - meaning that local mental healthcare are be put into practice at speed.

The Community Case Detection Tool is simple, low-cost and backed by evidence - and has to potential to meet the needs of millions of children worldwide.