Syria Response
What we do
War Child has been actively responding to the Syrian crisis since 2012. Our child protection, education and psychosocial support interventions combine to help children cope with more than a decade of war.
These programmes - delivered through our network of ‘Safe Spaces’ - allow children to process their experiences and plan for a better future.
In the face of humanitarian access challenges, War Child and its network of local partners employ a flexible approach, seeking to reach children wherever they are. We focus our activities on children who have been forced to leave their homes and drop out of school as a result of the conflict, as well as the communities that host them.
Our projects
Curious to learn more about a specific project? Click on the pins in the map below.
Where we work

No Longer Left Behind
In its second year, the project works to increase access to more equitable learning opportunities for vulnerable children. We do this by securing safe learning spaces, integrating psychosocial support and child protection into education and increasing teachers’ basic skills.
Building Resilience
An integrated protection, psychosocial support and education program to build the resilience of children and caregivers. With the support of the European Union, we increase social cohesion within communities through conflict-sensitive and do no harm approaches.
Emergency Education for All
Funded by Education Cannot Wait and delivered with UNICEF, this emergency initiative sets out to support out-of-school children across northwest Syria. Amid war and COVID-19 our network of learning centres and mobile approaches are vital to its success.
North West Syria Joint Response
A multi-sectoral joint response delivered through the Dutch Relief Alliance. Collaborating with experts in health, WASH and beyond, we bring our own expertise in protection, psychosocial support and education to provide for the basic needs of over 57,922 IDPs and host community children. Learn more.
Supporting SGBV Capacity
With the wider aim of fostering a more holistic approach to protection for the internally displaced and host community, this ambitious project sets out to increase understanding of sexual and gender-based violence concepts and develop better response pathways among psychosocial support workers.
Child protection: a qualitative approach
To address the protection needs of the most vulnerable children in northwest Syria, we apply a qualitative research approach to this unique initiative. Includes the set-up of vital child protection services as well as cash assistance.
A Brighter Future
Through a combination of child protection, psychosocial support and education, this project works to bring about a brighter future for children and families affected by conflict-related violence in northeast Syria.
Emergency response to conflict-induced displacement
A Fast Aid response to repeated displacement experienced by children and families across northeast Syria as a result of the decade-long conflict. From basic needs provision to emergency protection services, this first-line response tackles all the risks associated with life on the move.
Key Partners

Education Cannot Wait
Thanks to the support of this global fund, we can ensure the continuation of schooling for children affected by the protracted crisis.
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European Commission
From establishing pathways back to education to integrating mental health support in the curriculum, War Child collaborates with this major EU body on several key projects.
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Lukas van Trier is Country Director of our Syria Response. Want to collaborate or have a specific question? Please reach out via one of the channels below.